P26 - Evidence-Based Policy (EBP): international impacts of a hegemonic discourse
PANEL Organizers
• Wesselink Anna (a.j.wesselink@utwente.nl), University of Twente (Netherlands)
• Strassheim Holger (holger.strassheim@hu-berlin.de), Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany)
• Colebatch Hal (hal@colebatch.com), University of New South Wales (Australia)
• Rueb Friedbert (friedbert.rueb@hu-berlin.de), Humbolt University Berlin (Germany)
Evidence-based policy making (EBP) has become ubiquitous as a general prescription for transparency, accountability and better governance (Strassheim and Kettunen 2014; cf. two SI from IPA2012: Pearce et al. 2014, Wesselink et al. 2015). When a discourse is as rapidly adopted by politicians, practitioners and academics, it is important to be attentive to what the new discourse is being used to do. We concur that the 'EBP movement', as Clarence (2002) and Head (2010) label it, 'represents both an important set of professional practices and aspirations; and a political rhetoric seeking to legitimate certain forms decision-making over others' (Head 2010 77). In this panel we want to explore how well this EBP discourse has travelled to other jurisdictions beyond its context of discovery in the 1990's United Kingdom and thereby contributes to the hegemony of a certain kind of rationalisation of decision making.
Clarence, E. (2002) Technocracy Reinvented: The New Evidence Based Policy Movement Public Policy and Administration 17(3) 1-11
Head, B. W. (2010) Reconsidering evidence-based policy: Key issues and challenges Policy and Society 29(2) 77-94
Pearce, W., Wesselink, A., Colebatch, H. (2014) Evidence and meaning in policy making Evidence & Policy 10(2) 161-165
Strassheim, H., Kettunen, P. (2014) When does evidence-based policy turn into policy-based evidence? Configurations, contexts and mechanisms Evidence & Policy 10(2) 259-277
Wesselink, A., Colebatch, H., Pearce, W. (2015) Evidence and policy: discourses, meanings and practices Policy Sciences 47(4) 339-344
Evidence, based policy making, international comparison, new public management
Faculty, E2.9
SESSION 1 : 9/07/2015 : 17:45-19:15
Chair: Anna Wesselink (a.j.wesselink@utwente.nl), University of Twente (Netherlands)
Discussant: Holger Strassheim (holger.strassheim@hu-berlin.de), Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)
• Evidence based policy making: Transcending national, disciplinary and constitutional jurisdictions
Elisa Vechhione (elisa.vecchione@lshtm.ac.uk), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (United Kingdom)
• Promoting African health through "evidence-based advocacy". Political effects and side effects of an innovative development intervention
Moritz Hunsmann (moritz.hunsmann@ehess.fr), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France)
• The rationalization of flood damage compensation: A comparative analysis of the Netherlands and the United States
Emmy Bergsma (e.bergsma@uva.nl), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)