Panels details > Panel 12

P12- Competing visions in health and social care policy discourse and practice

PANEL Organizers :

Van Brussel Leen (, Vrije Universiteit (Belgium)

• De Cleen Benjamin (, Vrije Universiteit (Belgium)


Health care policy is an area where a variety of ideologies, values, and meanings meet and conflict. Increasingly dominant economic policy narratives of market-competition and individual responsibility, for instance, often provoke fierce contestations that draw on alternative visions on health care built around solidarity and social responsibility. Impacting very directly on the embodied self, health is a particularly emotionally loaded issue. The richness of the discursive struggles around health care and the strong emotional investment in competing discourses on health care make interpretive research approaches particularly suited to study the domain of health care. The papers in this panel use insights from post-structuralist policy-analysis, discourse theory and psychoanalysis to analyse a variety of health care controversies, such as decisions on the (non-)reimbursement of medical treatments (Benjamin De Cleen), hand washing (Anna Durnova), care for older people (Jason Glynos and Karen West), and end-of-life care (Leen Van Brussel). These papers study different “places” where policy is shaped, negotiated, and contested. These include for instance deliberative “citizen” labs about health insurance reimbursement priorities, mass media representations, and political and government communication. The papers elaborate on the processes and mechanisms by which publics are constructed, spoken to and spoken for ? as citizens, patients, tax payers, stakeholders, etc. ? by different and competing political-ideological projects in different “places” and discursive genres. In addition to the contributions mentioned here, the panel welcomes papers that in some way centralise the discursive dimensions of health care policies. Foregrounding particular controversies or participatory policy-shaping initiatives in the domain of health care (and social care), authors are encouraged to raise questions relating to the discourses through which particular views on health care are legitimized and others marginalized, the construction of certain bodily conditions as “medical”, the positions from which values are constructed as “good” or “bad”, and so on.

Health and social care policy, discursive struggle, emotion, publics

Faculty E2.6

SESSION 1 : 9/07/2015 : 09:00-10:30
Chair: Benjamin De Cleen (, Free University of Brussels (Belgium)
Discussant: Name (e-mail),
University (Country)

Leen Van Brussel ( Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
Constructing the right to die in Belgian print media

Streurer Walburg ( University of Vienna (Austria)
The patient in the persistent vegative state as a policy problem

Olakivi Antero (, University of Helskini (Finland)
Migrant care workers and the problem of the aging population: Ethnic categories as pragmatic resources for policy implementation

SESSION 2 : 9/07/2015 : 14:00-15:30
Chair: Leen Van brussel (, Free University of Brussels (Belgium)
Discussant: Jason Glynos (, University of Essex (United Kingdom)

Benjamin De Cleen (, Free University of Brussels (Belgium), Leen Van Brussel ( Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
Quality of life as health. Citizens and the discursive construction of health in a deliberative process on health insurance

Durnova Anna (, University of Vienna (Austria)
Negotiating Truth: Semmelweis and the Call for a Politics of Emotions in Health Care

Thomas Catlaw (, Arizona State University (USA)
Laura Hand (, University of North Dakota (USA)

You're Doing Great...but You Could Be Doing Better: How Discourses of Affirmation and Expertise Shape the Construction of the Good Mother in Arizona's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Woman, Infants and Children (WIC)

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