Panels details > Panel 70

P70- Authors meet Critics: Discourses, Logics, and Imageries of public private cooperation: Environmental Governance through Partnerships, Edward Elgar, 2015.

PANEL Organizer :

Ayşem Mert (, Uni. Duisburg-Essen (Germany)



The panel aims at discussing the use of various interpretive methods and particularly those of ecocriticism, IPE, large-N data, and discourse theory in political science. Ayşem Mert’s recent book titled ‘Environmental Governance through Partnerships: A discourse theoretical study’ (Edward Elgar, 2015) uses these methods to study the institution of what is now called public-private partnerships (PPPs) for sustainable development in the context of the UN. The book focuses on three mediating discourses (privatization of governance, sustainable development, and participatory democracy) to analyse the logic of partnerships: how and why PPPs have been negotiated, agreed upon and enforced at 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, as well as their actualization and influence on the global systems of governance. Using several contentious accounts, various databases and a historical study of these discourses, it is argued that international negotiations often result in the sedimentation of conflict into the logics of governance institutions, which makes governance deficits even more difficult to address.

discourse theory, political and fantasmatic logics, global environmental politics, sedimentation of meaning/conflict, Public-Private partnerships

Sciences Po Lille  B2.17

SESSION 1 : 8/07/2015 : 17h00-18h30.

Chair: Willem Schinkel, Erasmus Uni Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

Readers and Critics :

Nicolina Montesano Montessori, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Henk Wagenaar, Uni. Sheffield (United Kingdom)

Rich Holzman, Bryant Uni. (USA) –confirmed

Stephen Jeffares, Birmingham Uni. –to be confirmed


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