Panels details > Panel 32

P32- Journalist of the EU: Which role in policy-making process ?

PANEL Organizers :

Mayance Pierre (, Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Sciences Sociales (France)

• Chupin Ivan (, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Administratives, Politiques et Sociales (France)


This panel's proposal aims at studying the link between the EU policy making and the media sphere. Most of the academic works dealing with media issues focus on the European Union coverage and its effects on public attitude (and votes). The journalists' role in policy making is less studied. Nonetheless, the journalists presence at the European level has already been taken account of. Other scholars insist on the permanent link and the ?synchrony? between European institutions and journalists. As a result, we would like to deepen those perspectives in order to question the relation between the European policies and the newsmaking of journalists. The core of our panel issue would be to work on those European Journalists and their role and involvement in the European public policy process. Professionalization of an EU journalists group ? One aim of this panel is to question the existence of a common European social world in which journalists belong to, and to analyze the reality of a EU journalists group. Are those journalists part of the field of Eurocracy? What is the history of the construction of this social group and how they distinguish themselves from other actor on the European level? How far do the practices remain national or are they europeanized? Thus we should question the existence of different paths of professionalization and degree of Europeanization of the different kind of journalism which focus on a specific European public policy. Journalists'role in the EU policy making : In this second axe, we want to question the European journalists' role in the EU policy making process. They not only take part of policy categories and identities shaping, but they also act as policy broker on European issues. We will welcome studies which question the practices of those journalists as intermediary of public policy.


Journalism, public policy, policy, making process, lobbyist, political elite


Faculty E2.9

SESSION 1 : 8/07/2015 : 13:15-14h45

Chairs :

Ivan Chupin (, Université Lille 2 (France)

Pierre Mayance (, Université Paris Dauphine (France)

The European Construction and its limits through media representations of European Defence

Thiebaut Cyrille (, Université de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (France)

Examining networked journalism in the Euro crisis: A pan-European analysis of journalists and gatekeeping in social data

Jacob Groshek (, Boston University College of Communication (United States)

Gaining recognition: the role of the French Association of European Journalists in the making of a European news specialization.

Tixier Florian (, Université Libre de Bruxelles [Bruxelles] (Belgium)

SESSION 2 : 8/07/2015 : 15:00-16:30

Chairs :

Ivan Chupin (, Université Lille 2 (France)

Pierre Mayance (, Université Paris Dauphine (France)

European Commissioners through the Prism of their Communication ‘Supply’

Andy Smith (, Sciences Po Bordeaux (France)

European institutions as news sources : practices and preferences of Brussels correspondents

Sobotova Alena (, CEVIPOL, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

SESSION 3 : 8/07/2015 : 17:00-18:30

Chairs :

Ivan Chupin (, Université Lille 2 (France)

Pierre Mayance (, Université Paris Dauphine (France)

Cooperation and conflict between sources and journalists in Brussels, and its implications for the European decision-making process

Cornia Alessio (, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche - Università di Perugia (Italy)

European agricultural journalists as public policy actors

Ivan Chupin (, Université Lille 2 (France) and Pierre Mayance (, Université Paris Dauphine (France)

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