P37 - New Ways of Teaching Interpretively
PANEL Organizers
• Van Hulst Merlijn (m.j.vanhulst@uvt.nl), Tilburg University (Netherlands)
• Dodge Jennifer (jdodge@albany.edu), SUNY Albany (USA)
• Yanow Dvora (dvora.yanow@wur.nl), Wageningen University (Netherlands)
• Holtzman Richard (rholtzma@bryant.edu), Bryant University (USA)
These panel sessions create links between interpretive thinking and teaching, building on an initial, well-received session at the 2014 IPA conference at Wageningen University. The question at the heart of the discussion there was, Does an interpretive perspective lend itself to a particular style of teaching? The starting point was our shared belief that YES, it makes sense to think about teaching interpretively. But more questions emerged during the discussion than we had time to address, such as...: What does it mean to “teach interpretively”? How does that differ from other ways of teaching? What “lessons learned” can we glean from our varied experiences as interpretive researchers that might be productively applied to interpretive teaching? And what are the primary objectives of this approach to teaching and do these objectives differ from those of more “traditional” approaches? Moreover, many of those attending the session asked if we might continue the conversation at the 2015 conference. In the Lille 2015 IPA meeting we want to draw on that interest, digging deeper into these questions while further opening the conversation by involving more “teaching interpretivists”. The panels bring together people who have initiated / experimented with new ways of teaching over the last few years which they think would fall under the heading of interpretive teaching. We define interpretive teaching broadly as a way of teaching that is open to all kinds of knowledges - including the knowledge of students and professors, experiential knowledge and theoretical knowledge, and so on and which is keen on conversation and critical thinking about the phenomena that are the focus of teaching and research.
Interpretive teaching
Sciences Po Lille B2.8
SESSION 1 : 09/07/15 : 16:00-17:30
Chairs and Discussants:
Merlijn Van Hulst (m.j.vanhulst@uvt.nl), Tilburg University (Netherlands)
Jennifer Dodge (jdodge@albany.edu), SUNY Albany (USA)
Dvora Yanow (dvora.yanow@wur.nl), Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Richard Holtzman (rholtzma@bryant.edu), Bryant University (USA)
• Practice Theory and Pedagogy: Experiences with Teaching and Learning Practice
Koen Bartels (k.bartels@bangor.ac.uk), Bangor University (UK)
• Teaching interpretively in political science: the role of constructivist pedagogy
Cosmo Howard (c.howard@griffith.edu.au), Griffith University (Australia) &
Michelle Brady (michelle.brady@uq.edu.au), The University of Queensland [Brisbane] (Australia)
• Participatory teaching techniques to build critical communities of knowledge
Nicolina Montesano Montessori (n.montesanomontessori@gmail.com), Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
• Participatory Learning: A social constructivist approach to reshaping classrooms
Navdeep Mathur (navdeep.mathur@apu.edu.in), Azim Premji University (India),
Anju Uppal (uppal.anju@gmail.com), Azim Premji University (India),
Prabir Bose (bose.prabir@gmail.com), Azim Premji University (India) &
Jyothsna Beliappa (jyothsna.belliappa@apu.edu.in), Azim Premji University (India)
SESSION 2 : 9/07/2015 : 17:45-19:15
Chairs and Discussants:
Merlijn Van Hulst (m.j.vanhulst@uvt.nl), Tilburg University (Netherlands)
Jennifer Dodger (jdodge@albany.edu), SUNY Albany (USA)
Dvora Yanow (dvora.yanow@wur.nl), Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Richard Holtzman (rholtzma@bryant.edu), Bryant University (USA)
• The street as our classroom: challenges and choices for «joint interpretation»
Nanke Verloo (n.verloo@uva.nl), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
• How to teach public policy from an interpretative perspective? The Mirada ao Reves teaching experience
Rosana De Freitas Boullosa (zanzanzan@gmail.com), Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (Brazil)
• Teaching Interpretation Interpretively: the Heider and Simmel experiment
Tamara Metze (t.metze@uvt.nl), Tilburg University [Tilburg] (Netherlands)
Jennifer Dodge (jdodge@albany.edu), University at Albany/Rockefeller College (USA) &
Merlijn Van Hulst (m.j.vanhulst@uvt.nl), Tilburg University [Tilburg] (Netherlands)