Panels details > Panel 05

P05 - Argumentative Strategies and Definitional Struggles in the policy process

ANEL Organizers
• Zittoun Philippe (, Let-Entpe, Université de Lyon (France)

Argumentation has always been fundamental to the policy process, policy change in particular. Over recent decades, however, the topic has moved to a central position on the agenda of policy scholarship. This can be attributed in significant part of Majone's book on evidence and argumentation, followed by Sabatier's work on advocacy coalitions. Sabatier set out a rigorous empirical programme that very substantial influence on policy studies. The discussion was also put into a sharper focus with Hajer's concept of discourse coalitions, which cast the issue in a postpositivist light. In addition, the work by Fischer and Gottweis assess these themes in? The Argumentative Turn Revisited: Public Policy as a Communicative Practice?  In all this, research dynamic, the power dimension of argumentative practices continues to be an issue. When an argumentation and its bearer arrive to persuade or to convince some policymakers, is this efficiency come from the power of argument or from the power of its bearer's position?

This panel seeks to look at a range of papers related to argumentation in the policy process, with an eye toward both assessing the current state of the research, both empirical, theoretical and methodological, and offering new ways forward. The main idea of this is to work on the concept of « Argumentative strategies » and ?Definitional Struggles? which help us to better grasp together the both power of argumentation and its bearer inside a social and political context.

Policy Statement, Discourses, Definitional Struggles

Faculty, E2.9

SESSION 1 : 10/07/2015 : 09:00-10:30
Chair : Zittoun Philippe (, Let-Entpe, Université de Lyon (France)

Discursive Agency in Environmental Policy change
Sina Leipold, Metodi Sotirov Theresa Frei, Gerog Winkel

Bedrock Hydrocarbon controversies in France and Quebec
Sebastien Chailleux

Transport ¨Policy making in the metropolization of Lyon and Marseille
Maimouna Ndong

Argumentation in High Speed 2
Rebecca O’Neil

SESSION 2 : 10/07/2015 : 11:00-12:30
Chair : Zittoun Philippe (, Let-Entpe, Université de Lyon (France)

Federal and Intersector Coordination
Carolina Raquel Justo

The discursive strategies in Science, Technology and Innovation Policies
Ana Teresa Gonzales Zuluaga

Constructing Human Right of Roma migrants
Chloe Delcour and Lesley Hustinx

What Kind of Sustainable mobility are they talking about here ?
Chelsea Tschoerner

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