P52 - Subject, System and Context: Mobilising Expertise in Policy Work
PANEL Organizer
• Hal Colebatch (hal@colebatch.com), University of New South Wales (Australia)
Social scientists and practitioners have long been engaged in promoting and understanding the mobilisation of appropriate knowledge in policy work. Attention has been focused on the development and use of “policy analysis”, and the advocacy of “21st century” modes of policy-making, and of “evidence-based policy”. These are all implicit challenges to the long-established claims of specialist functional expertise as the basis of policy-relevant knowledge, and more recent demands for the incorporation in the policy process of “local knowledge”, through public participation, stakeholder involvement and subsidiarity.
This panel will focus on the way that expertise is mobilised in policy contests, and in particular, to the impact on this mobilisation of relationships of identity and organization, and the implications for different sorts of “policy work”..
Knowledge, policy work, specialisation, system, context
Faculty E2.13
SESSION 1 : 9/07/15 : 14:00-15:30
Chair: Christina Maags (maags@soz.uni-frankfurt.de), Goethe University-Frankfurt (Germany)
Discussant: John Boswell (j.c.boswell@soton.ac.uk), University of Southampton (UK)
• Remaking a policy instrument in the educational field ? Developing an idea of school transformation
Lin Hongda (hondalin2000@gmail.com), University of Helsinki (Finland)
• From a text to an action and back again. Making knowledge(s) work through the design of standards in public participation mechanisms
Aleksandra Koltun (aleksandra.koltun@gmail.com ), Maria Sklodowska-Curie University (Poland)
SESSION 2 : 09/07/15 : 16:00-17:30
Chair: Jordan Tchillingirian (jst35@cam.ac.uk), University of Cambridge (UK)
Discussant: Anna Wesselink (a.j.wesselink@utwente.nl), University of Twente (Netherlands)
• Keeping expertise in its place: What enables boundary work to work in arms-length governance?
John Boswell (j.c.boswell@soton.ac.uk), University of Southampton (UK) and Chris Wemyss, University of Warwick (UK)
• Becoming a gatekeeper of the past: Analyzing the role of policy networks in Chinese cultural heritage politics
Christina Maags (maags@soz.uni-frankfurt.de), Goethe University-Frankfurt (Germany)
• Mobilising knowledge through representation, engagement and leadership: a case study of clinical commissioning
Tatum Matharu (tatum.matharu@open.ac.uk), Open University (UK)
• Policy Process of Voucher System in Turkey
Halime Ozturk (ozturkhalime@gmail.com), Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey)