P06- Authors meet Critics: Making Policy Move
PANEL Organizer
• John Clarke (john.clarke@open.ac.uk), Open University (United Kingdom)
This panel explores the contribution of a recent collaboratively authored book to the study of policy movement. As its titlee suggests, Making Policy Move: towards a politics of translation and assemblage (to be published by The Policy Press in April, 2015) takes up ideas of translation and assemblage as ways into studying what happens to policy as it travels from place to place, and from setting to setting. The book calls for attention to the multiple re-articulations that policy undergoes as it moves is a critical dynamic for policy studies, arguing that attention to power, politics and practice is necessary for analysing the mobilities of policy. The book combines jointly authored chapters that establish and develop the approach with individual chapters that put it to work in different policy settings. The book concludes with an argument about how an approach through translation might enable viewing and doing policy otherwise.
The panel will put the authors (Dave Bainton, John Clarke, Noemi Lendvai and Paul Stubbs) into conversation with readers and critics (Liisa Haikio, Tampere; Michal Sedlacko, Vienna and Mandy de Wilde, Amsterdam) to examine the book's claims that an approach centred on questions of translation can be a significant development in studying policy in motion.
Movement, power, articulation, assemblage, translation, mobility.
Faculty E2.11
SESSION 1 : 8/07/2015 : 17:00-18:30
Chair: John Clarke (john.clarke@open.ac.uk), The Open University (United Kingdom)
Readers and Critics
• Haikio, Liisa (Liisa.haikio@staff.uta.fi), University of Tampere (Finland)
• Sedlacko, Michal (Sedlacko@ihs.ac.at), University of Applied Sciences, Vienna (Austria)
• De Wilde, Mandy (M.deWilde1@uva.nl), University of Antwerp (Belgium)
• Bainton, Dave (D.bainton@zoho.com), Goldsmiths College, London (United Kingdom)
• Clarke John (john.clarke@open.ac.uk), The Open University (United Kingdom)
• Stubbs, Paul (Pstubbs@eizg.hr), Institute of Economics, Zagreb (Croatia)
• Lendvai, Noemi (Noemi.lendvai@bristol.ac.uk), University of Bristol (United Kingdom)