P30 - Ideological Policy Discourse and the Unruly Politics of Contemporary Publics
PANEL Organizers
• Mathur Navdeep (navdeep.mathur@apu.edu.in), Azim Premji University (India)
• Wrona Xavier (xw@estceainsi.net), Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Saint-Etienne
In Evaluating Public Policy, Fischer writes that policy argumentation extends to ideological commitments, at a discursive level that links the relationship between policy projects and the social order. Those engaging in argumentation at the level of social choice reflect on alternative social orders in their capacity to legitimately resolve conflict, and such reflections are deemed to be the starting points for political philosophers and ideologists (155). This panel seeks to centrally locate facilitators of ?direct public action', as those engaging in ideological policy discourse, departing from the view that such argumentation is the domain of high political philosophy. Actions against displacement, imperial occupation, women's exploitation, workers oppression ( through normative policy commitments and concrete policy programs) suggest that citizens and professionals inside and outside the academy through direct intervention in public mobilizations on policy conflicts involve themselves in deliberative construction/articulation of alternative social orders. This claim can be seen in the furthering of specific aspects of the social order such as “the unruly politics” (Khanna 2013), Occupy (David Graeber), the Maoist movement against the coercion of the neo-liberal Indian state (Arundhati Roy), resistance to and escaping from the state (James Scott). While disparate in contexts these exemplars point towards the critical connections between engaged public action and the crafting of alternative social orders, and the practices of organizing to realise those alternative ideological commitments. This panel seeks to then engage with questions such as how does engaged citizenship become embodied in the practice of ideological discourse and contention that intersects with the academy? How do statist and status quo-ist forces seek to discipline and control the imagining of alternative social orders by acting upon these engaged citizens? What do the experiences of public-academic dissenters tell us about voice and representation of particular publics in contemporary political and policy conflicts?
Unruly Politics, Policy Deliberation, Dissent, Publics
Faculty, E2.11
SESSION 1 : 10/07/2015 : 09:00-10:30
Chair: Xavier Wrona, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Saint-Etienne
• Governance-Driven Conflict: Policy, Reason of State, and Authoritarian Governmentality
Hendrik Wagenaar (h.wagenaar@sheffield.ac.uk), Sheffield University (UK)
• Are we Sabadell? Contending valorisations of money and the politics of the Euro crisis
Stephan Engelkamp (stephan.engelkamp@wwu.de), University of Muenster (Germany)
• Governance over Politics: Anna’s Populist Movement in India
Vishnupad (vishnupad@apu.edu.in), Azim Premji University (India)
SESSION 2 : 10/07/2015 : 11:00-12:30
Chair: Vishnupad (vishnupad@apu.edu.in), Azim Premji University (India)
• Understanding Resistance to State-making in Urbanizing India
Navdeep Mathur (navdeep.mathur@apu.edu.in), Azim Premji University (India)
• Practices in the Turbulent City: Intermediaries and Land Conversion in Mumbai
Vineet Diwadkar (diwadkar@gsd.harvard.edu), Harvard University (USA)
• Radical Resistance: The transformative possibilities of women-led engaged public action in Zimbabwe
Jacquelin Kataneksza (jacquelin.kataneksza@gmail.com)