Panels details > Panel 69

P69- Analyzing Policy Knowledges and Policy Practices: Governmentality, Problematization, Discourse

PANEL Organizers :
• Malin Ronnblom (, Umeå University (Sweden)
• Kathy Teghtsoonian (, University of Victoria (Canada)


Within the field of critical policy studies there is a growing body of literature that is informed by the work of Foucault and other post-structural theorists. For instance, many researchers working in diverse disciplines have drawn on the concept of governmentality to illuminate linkages between practices within diverse local sites, the governing strategies of elected officials and administrators within regional, national and international organizations, and the subjectivites they constitute. As another example, Carol Bacchi and scholars drawing on her work have focused on problematizations, deploying an analytic strategy that challenges the self-evident status of the “problems” that are constituted within the policy process, opening up new ways of considering the topics and strategies of policy-making. Among other things, these conceptual frameworks direct analytic attention to the discourses and discursive practices through which various forms of expertise work to transform political topics and conflicts into technical problems that are amenable to technical solutions and, in doing so, occlude practices of power. This panel invites papers that consider theoretical or methodological aspects of these approaches to policy scholarship or reflect on their relationship with other critical research strategies (e.g., feminist analysis); that deploy them to analyze the forms of knowledge and expertise that are visible within particular policy arenas (e.g., health care, education) and policy practices (e.g., new public management, evidence-informed policy making); or that draw on them to consider one or more of the “publics” constituted in and through particular policies or policy practices (e.g., policy consultants, service providers, activists). We are interested in structuring the presentations and discussion during the panel itself in a manner that fosters a dialogic exchange of ideas, with the specifics to be discussed and decided through conversation with paper presenters and discussant(s) once these have been confirmed.

Critical policy analysis, governmentality, probelmatizations, feminist analysis.

Sciences Po Lille  B2.2

SESSION 1 De/politicization and power : 9/07/15 : 14:00-15:30

Chair: Malin Ronnblom (, Umeå University (Sweden)
Discussant: Katherine Teghtsoonian (, University of Victoria (Canada) and Manal Elshihry (, Cairo University (Egypt) and University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom)

European debates on the ‘Swift affair’: Practices of (de)politicization and power
Maria Wesseling ( Centre de sociologie des organisations (France)

Rendering political and technical: Cross-border circular migration governance between Germany and the Philippines
Cleovi Mosuela ( Bielefeld University (Germany)

Re-politicizing social and environmental accounting through Ranciere: On the value of dissensus
Judy Brown and Helen Tregidga (( Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)

Interpretative policy analysis a foucaultian governmentality approach
Samantha Ortiz Casilla ( Centre de Investigaciòn y Docencia Económicas (Mexico)

SESSION 2 New public management, discursive practices and subjectivities : 09/07/15 : 16:00-17:30

Chair : Judy Brown ( Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
Discussant : Malin Ronnblom (, Umeå University (Sweden)

Text as heterotopian space: The case of OECD’s NPM and its post discourses
Manal Elshihry and Chandana Alawattage ( Cairo University (Egypt), University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom)

Governing academic work: New public management in/and university planning processes
Katherine Teghtsoonian (, University of Victoria (Canada)

The construction of regulatory ‘customers’: Products of expert knowledge or the practices of experts?
Andrew Clarke ( The University of Queensland (Australia)

SESSION 3 Contested problematizations and knowledge claims in policy development : 9/07/2015 : 17:45-19:15

Chair: Katherine Teghtsoonian (, University of Victoria (Canada)
Discussant: Andrew Clarke (, The University of Queensland (Australia) and Samantha Ortiz Casillas (, Centre de Investigaciòn y Docencia Económicas (Mexico)

Problematization, knowledge and discourse: Analyzing construction of Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin plan
Jim Donaldson ( Australian National University (Australia)

Understanding ‘truth’ and ‘power’ in ‘Speaking Truth to Power’: Accounts of evidence-based policy-making
Catherine van Mossel ( University of Victoria (Canada)

Framing shale gas as a technical issue in France and in Quebec: experts legitimacy in the institutional forum
Sebastien Chailleux ( University of Bordeaux/Université Laval (France/Canada)

Policy subjects in post(?)-welfare state; the example of discourse on active aging
Iwona Mlozniak ( University of Warsaw (Poland)

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